Sunday, July 06, 2008

Vacation Bible School

What a success! Our church had VBS June 23-27th and it went very well. There were 30 students who prayed the saviors prayer. Considering our average attendance was between 60 and 70 kids, that's an insane number. Most important to me of course is that Hannah was one of the 30. I know, it's hard to gauge a child's salvation at this age, but at least they're all heading in the right direction. Our theme this year was an amusement park, and the kids really seemed to enjoy it. I helped out in the music area this year and really enjoyed seeing all the different grades during the day. I have to admit, some of the songs were kinda hokey, but the kids didn't complain. The week ended with a Friday evening performance of the songs the kids learned, they all did a fantastic job. It was funny watching the 5th and 6th graders during the week, they were constantly going back and forth between having fun and trying to be too old and too cool for singing the songs.

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